Sunday, January 1, 2017

There are some words you read that speak to every part of who you are. This quote by Maya Angelou speaks to me with the same power and inspiration every time I read it.  It reminds me daily that besides all that I have to give intellectually, ultimately the person I try to be through my actions will have just as long lasting an impact on my students and those around me.  This even applies to the mistakes I make.  How I respond to them with humility and the embracing of the part of me that is still a student. 

I randomly found this quote while I was on Pinterest one day.  This quote encapsulates the type of woman I strive to be everyday. I think that it is the  beauty in the balance; One need not show only strength, they can also be gentle. They are not mutually exclusive. Only one who is arrogant would think that they are so educated that they cannot learn more.