Please take a moment and examine what you see.
- The Kotel
- A mechizta (divider) between the men and women's side of the wall
- My Modest Dress
- Huge Stones
- Lots of People praying
- Shrubs
- Plastic chairs
Here is what my students saw...
- The Kotel
- A mechizta (divider) between the men and women's side of the wall
- My Modest Dress
- Huge Stones
- Lots of People praying
- Shrubs
- Plastic chairs
- That the picture is taken from behind.
This simple yet astute observation lead to a fantastic discussion about why it is custom to walk backwards away from the wall. As well as questions about how I felt when I was there. For these types of questions and for my students, I am so incredibly thankful. Their constant curiosity and awareness often leads to lessons that are beyond fantastic. Lessons I could never write or execute in as organic a way as the lessons that are created by my students.
I am also truly appreciative for the ability to recognize and embrace these moments. For these moments strung together are what make me a better teacher.