Wednesday, February 1, 2017

I need your help...

I hope everyone is doing well and that you are back into your school groove following winter break. I know sometimes it takes a minute to get back into the swing of things.  ðŸ˜Š  One of the reasons I believe that we all decided to take on the #Blogamonth challenge was to expand our Professional Learning Network.  By reading this, you are clearly a part of mine. Thanks!  So, as such I need your help.  I have a dilemma that seems small but I think could make a difference in my classroom.  Please comment. Pretty please with cherries on top. I welcome the advice.

 provided by Google Search free image

My Dilemma:

                  I believe that I have one of the most perfect classrooms at my school for several reasons, but mainly because of all the beautiful natural light that my room takes in everyday. Oh, did I mention that these windows that provide beautiful sunlight also provide a great view of the playground? At my school, as with most, different grades have lunch and recess at various times.  I may be teaching a Kindergarten class while 5th grade is at recess. 

                   Thus far I have adjusted the time that I leave my blinds open or up around when there are classes outside.  Doing this makes me a bit sad though. I love the students being exposed to the natural light and I think it is important to be able to look out at the trees / nature as we are working.  I believe that seeing nature provides a great atmosphere for learning.  If I open the blinds or pull them up then I have lots of little brains intrigued by what is happening outside and not as involved in the class activity.  I don't blame them at all.  Wouldn't you want to check out what was going on outside?


1.Keep closing the blinds and accept the lack of natural light and nature?

2.) Open the blinds and understand it will be a small distraction until they are used to it?

3.)  Re-arrange my room so that the tables are further away from the windows?
(they will still be able to see out of the window)

Alright amazing teachers and administrators, what do I do?

The living Torah meets the 21st Century

The video you just watched above is one of my favorite videos to share with my 2nd Grade Jewish Studies classes each year.  I show it as part of my Torah Unit before we begin to actually ready a specific book in the Torah.  Using this video presentation has definitely enriched my lesson and the students experience.  As I talk about and describe all the different components of writing a Torah I see my students eyes getting wider and wider.  They are so fascinated and intrigued by the tradition.  I absolutely love this reaction!  However, once they watch this video presentation they are able to see in a tangible way the processes I just described.  In this way, the traditional lesson is brought to life within a modern day context.  These connections help students to answer questions like, "What does this have to do with me?  The world in which I live?"